Saturday, December 12, 2015

Trophy Wives, Season 7, 2015-2016

Vivian, Chief, Val, Sandy, Diane, Susan, Ardella, Laurie

Trophy Wives I Welcome You
To Season # 7
I Wonder if I'll still rhyme words
In Season #11

Birdie Juice

Trophy Wives drink birdie juice;
Baileys, Cinnamon Jack.
It tastes so good, you wish you could
Get birdies back-to back.

The foursome with the 'F' names
Albeit Francis, Freko
Sank a bunch of one putts,
That made their foursome drunko!

Chef Chief 

Trophy Wives I'm so confused
Poetically, I'm in a snooze.

Too tired to create a rhyme
It's taking up my cooking time.

My brisket braising hour six
Latkas in the fridge to fix.

Candles burning rather low.
This Jewish Chief
Has got to go!

Christmas Groove

Trophy Wives, you're on the move,
To activate your Christmas groove.
You're perfect. You need not improve.
In gifting, you are very smooth.
I approve. Make your move.
Please come back next year my dear.
Your Chief awaits you here.
You clear?

Skin Deep

Trophy Wives are fortunate.
We golf without a care.
While sunshine tans our flawless skin,
And streaks our golden hair.

If this were true,
Then why am I
Beholden to a doc,
Who carves me out in tiny spots
Putting me in shock!

Shock, because I'm aging.
Shock, because I'm grey.
Shock, because I do not see
My image in this way.

Reminding me of years gone by,
While basking in the sun.
Regrettably, I have to say,
I wished I'd never done.

Tracey, Feb. 3, 2016 Toscana CC South Course, 93 yards, 9-iron


Trophy Wives, I missed my chance
To toast my hole-in-one.
Instead I rather hastily
Ran off to have no fun.

I sat with stinky hair dye
Beneath a dome of heat.
When all I really wanted 
Was to toast my little feat.

To beautify with hair dye.
Is not what I call fun.
I guess this means I'll have to make
Another hole-in-one!

Ball Toss

Trophy Wives 
Toss balls in air,
With Jonsies fancy 
Throwing flair.
They settle 
softly in tall grass.
Who will alas...
Be partners in the 
Par point class,
Where golfers wish 
To kick your ass,
And win,

Three lousy bucks! 

Dianne, What a finish, Cook

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Trophy Wives, Season 6, 2014-2015

Chief, Polly, Laurie, Val, Vivian, Susan

A Spicy Golfing Mix

Trophy Wives, I welcome you 
To Season number Six.

We've proven thru the years to be 
A spicy golfing mix.

I hope that all your summers' were 
Befitting of a queen,

Lavishing in travels, 
And spending all your green.

Now it's time to reunite and 
Share our summer stories.

Take in all the sunshine and 
Bask in all our glories!

Sandy, Vivian, Ardella, Laurie, Chief

Cooking Birds

Turkey Wives, put aprons on
And prep your birds for heat.
Internal temp one eighty renders
Tender juicy meat.

Then sit beside your loved ones.
Be thankful. Spread some cheer.
Pour your most expensive wine,
Rejoice that family's near.

Then pack them each a doggy bag,
And send them on their way.
You're Trophy Wives Remember?
Our Motto is "Let's PLAY!"

Sandy and Vivian

Pay To Play

Trophy Wives are gamers.
And I'm not naming namers.
But when we play, and what we pay,
Will make the "winners" famers!

Golf gods can be jerks.
Momentum has its quirks.
Shot one's astray; it lost its way
Shot two's now in the works!

But geriatric jokesters,
With knees and necks in holsters.
Will see someday their disarray 
And lose their bragging bolsters!

Carol, Chief, Laurie

Trophy Books

Trophy wives are interested
In novels... mysteries.
Inquisitively questioning 
Our reading histories.

Perhaps in leu of golf clubs,
Their dreadful fades and hooks.
We opt to take up reading,
Cocktails and some books!

Vivian and Ardella

Winning All The Dough

Trophy Wives excessively, 
Succeed in life successfully.
Despite some inequality,
Or constant frivolity. 

We're passionate at playing games.
Excited when we hear our names.
Except when we repeatedly,
Turn putts from one to two then three!

In jest we spread or Trophy word
Uncaring if we sound absurd.
The goal is winning all the dough.
A language we've all come to know!

Vivian, Susan, Sandy, Ardella

Deflated Balls

Trophy Wives don't give a crap,
If all our balls 'deflated.'
Cuz if and when they find the cup,
We all are so elated!

Next week when we play our round,
We'll rub our dimpled ball.
And watch it launch into thin air,
Then find the cup and fall!

Laurie and Ardella

Avery & Jake

Trophy Wives have cloudy days,
And balls that fly through thick grey haze.

They soar above the trees that split,
'Til sand is where they finally sit.

Too fluffy just to pluck it out.
We smash and bash and bitch and shout.

The green is where it needs to be.
We want the score to be Net Three!

A just reward the team will take.
A kiss from Avery and Jake!

Jake and Avery (Vivian"s Grandchildren)

Animal Lovers

Trophy Wives love animals,
With or without tails.
Preferably a purr or sigh,
Not screeches, gasps or wails.

Ardella killed a ducky-poo,
And Sandy saved a mole.
Two dogs were spared coyote meal,
On the seventeenth hole.

On number 8 when Mitch arrived
With Lily in his arm,
We learned how scary bites can be;
The trauma and the harm.

For someone who does not have pets,
And calls herself a Chief.
I'm writing down this poem now,
And sighing with relief.


A Chiefly Do-Over

Trophy Wives need Do-overs; Make-overs; Repeats.
Lift-me-ups; Pick-me-ups; Rewinds from Defeats.

Face-lifts; Ego boosts; Refreshers and then...
Yoga; Pilates; Aqua Sports and Zen.

Anything to turn back the clock and say, "Hey!"
Who invaded my body that day?

Erring is human; It's all part of life.
But not when your title is, "Chief Trophy Wife!"

Thank goodness for Partners and Thursday's and Wine.
With great Wives like You, I know I'll be Fine.

Vivian, Laurie, Ardella, Chief, Val

Trophy Pot-Luck

Trophy wives so tastefully,
Converse at Pot-luck's gracefully. 

Caesar speckled salty glass.
Toasting to our upper class.

Pizza sizzling under dome.
Laurie's dog-less gorgeous home.

Chief adorned in suit and hat.
Nasty talking this and that.

Teddies, panties, boxers, tees,
Boy shorts, house-coats, flip-flops, sleaze.

Garments that we wear at night,
We all discussed by fire light.

Then came time to leave the house,
And practice kinky with our spouse!

Sandy, Laurie, Cheryle, Chief, Ardella, Val, Vivian


Trophy Wives are Winners.
Enjoying Birthday Dinners.
They Win their Flight,
With All their Might,
Then spend their Nights as Sinners!

Chief and Laurie

Anne and Sandy

A Bit of Nostalgia

Trophy's are nostalgic,
Observant lady creatures.
Keen to inequalities,
Yet lauding flawless features.

Like chiefly boobs caressed in bras,
That always need a raise.
And noticing that Jonsey's skin,
Deserves some added praise.

We hunger for the simple things;
Cheese Whiz spread on Ritz;
Anne's thick hair with perfect sheen;
And Haley's perky tits.

No wonder when we're cocktailing,
An audience draws near.
Trophy Wives say risqué  things,
That others want to hear!

 Susan, Vivian, Sandy


Trophy Wives know how to live,
Vicariously thru Jo and Viv.

Who showed they're masters in their flight.
Their smiles feature sheer delight.

For they're the ones who made it through.
Shot 2-2-9 and 2-9-2.

Congrats from all of us
To you!

Joanne and Vivian

Find My Phone!

Trophy Wives use cellphones,
And they don't sweat the cost.
But "Find My Phone"
Perplexes them
Because the damn thing's lost!
The App was on the cellphone,
And that cannot be seen.
The techno geeks in cellphone land
Are definitely mean!

Laurie, Chief

Pearls of Wisdom

Trophy Wives love pearls.
They're cultured, classy, sheik.
Luminescent balls of white 
Sophisticated, sleek.
Renee Russo had worn them,
In making the "Tin Cup"
Now Trophy Wives adorn them,
So things are looking up!

Sandy and Vivian

Vivian's Hole-in-One

Trophy Wives must be informed
What Mrs. Jones has done.
In team play out at Indian Wells
She scored a Hole-in-One!

The distance was identified;
One hundred twenty-two.
Elevated tee with wind,
Was all that Jonesy knew.

A seven iron was the club
That hit the green and rolled
Right in the cup on Seventeen
And now her story's told.

Sandy & Vivian

Susan, Kyla, Sandy, Vivian, Chief

Laurie, Sandy

The Longest Wait

Trophy Wives were in a race,
Though none of them had known it.
The threesome at the finish line were, 
Freko, Francis, Fugate.

With onion rings, hard lemonade,
Digesting in their belly.
They watched the Masters casually,
Up on the clubhouse telly.

Some sixty minutes later,
The others filled their guts.
A just reward for focusing, 
Intensely on their putts.

Some sage advice for future rounds, 
That start off with a gun.
You're greatest chance for keeping up,
Are 18 holes-in-one!

Susan, Vivian, Ardella, Laurie, Chief at Vickies

Sandy, Polly, Carol, Susan, Vivian, Cheryle
Ardela, Val, Laurie, Chief

Two Tequila Floor

Trophy Wives can take a shot
On or off a tee.
Tequila with a squeeze of lime,
Whichever pleases she.

For when she's in a party mode,
Tequila does the trick.
Sprinkle salt upon your hand
Then take a sloppy lick.

No matter what the toast is for,
A hole-in-one or 94,
We practice with tequila more,
And end up on the dancing floor!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Trophy Wives Season 5, 2013-2014

Vivian, Carol, Chief, Ardella and Cheryle

Welcome To Season Number Five!

Trophy Wives, I welcome you 
To season number five!
Fortunate for all of us, 
We've made it back alive.

Some of us had bumpy roads 
To navigate this summer,
My husbands' neck was out of whack, 
And that was quite a bummer.

I'm ready to invigorate; 
To kick some Trophy asses,
And get you on the golfing range
And into golfing classes.

There's time to get your game on;
The courses need some rest.
Look forward reuniting
And golfing with the best!

Summer Highlights

Trophy Wives give weddings:
And bike Peru's vast spaces;
Raft the 'rado river;
And diss their exes faces.

Miss their grand babes birth day
With cell phones on the fritz.
Golf at pricey Pebble Beach,
And raise their saggy tits.

All of this is summer fun
Befitting of our life.
Imagine what this world would be
Without a Trophy Wife!

Vivian, Laurie, Joanne, Val, Chief, Sandy, Carol, Polly and Ardella

Drizzle Day

Trophy Wives I cannot count;
My numbers head ain't great.
Before we even started
We were ten instead of eight!

The group that played before us
Were slow as they could be;
And then we had to deal with
The lady at the tee!

The clouds began to drizzle
And grass began to grow;
Which helplessly changed all our putts
From fast to really slow!

The rough was really roughing up
Our shoulders and our knees;
While JoJo suffered sniffles
Brought on by allergies!

But when the round was over
The sky was pinkish-blue;
We captured this amazing shot
Of everyone but Sue!

Joanne and Polly

Trophy Wives are Stylized

Trophy Wives are stylized;
Their wardrobes color coded.
Closets categorically
Are often overloaded!

From summers' slinky sundress,
To winters' furry coat,
A Trophy wife makes sure she hits
Fashions' highest note!

On golfing day she picks a hat
To cover most her hair.
But Valorie consistently 
Looks suave and debonaire!

Polly Jo are stylish
In red and black and white.
While Chief and Val prove Trophys'
 Look great at any height!

Val and Chief

Trophy's just in hats!

Trophy Wives like jingle bells,
And abs that come in packs.
But think of how impressed they'd be
To see our Trophy racks!

The hats are quite adorable.
We all know how to pose.
What difference would it be to us
With or without clothes!

So next year I propose a shot
Of Trophy's just in hats.
Let Gatsby step aside for us
In white tails, tux and spats.

Shocking as this thought may be,
The spirit lies within.
I bet as you are reading this
You're wearing quite a grin

capital T

Trophy Twenty Thirteen Turns
To Trophy Twenty fourteen,
Twenty four Trophy hours from now.

To Truly Twist my Trophy mind
That's Twisted all The Trophy Time
i'm Typing up some Trophy lines
That do not have a Trophy rhyme.

The only Trophy Trick To This
is Trying To include a Twist,
That Teases all your Trophy minds
in Thinking That i'm clever.

To Think That i would capitalize
and Trick your Trophy brains
is Truthful To a Tee.
The Trophy wife To guess This mess
must first respond To me, Tracey!

Valerie and Ardella

Diamond Envy

Trophy wives are priceless
And priceless has no rhyme.
But like a precious diamond,
They sparkle all the time.

Speaking of their sparkle,
Ardella comes to mind.
The rock that Mitch just gave her,
Is quite the sparkling kind.

Trophy wives aren't jealous.
Oh No! Not much they say.
We all ran home to tell our men
Our band cracked that same day!

Now El Paseo Jewelers,
Is out there saving lives,
Of men who wish to spoil
Their sparkling Trophy wives!


Match Play

Trophy wives tried 'Match Play'
And Haley kicked some ass.
Plumed her way through 18 holes,
Mastering the grass.

Sandy's round was sandy.
She hits the ball a ton.
Flirting close to danger zones,
But finished number one!

Chief was pretty chatty.
She thinks she knows it all.
"Concede the putt you little bitch;"
"Pick up your effin ball!"

Carol, on the other hand,
Is poised, polite, and brief.
The next time that we play 'Match Play'
She's voting off the Chief!

Chief, Joanne, Carol

Matchy Matchy-Play

Trophy Wives are planners,
Organized, unique.
Matching shorts and Gucci belts
Is not so Trophy sheik.

Ideally when we come to play
We ought to look like Jo.
With just a splash of orange,
She looks great from head-to-toe.

Synchronizing outfits
Is just not savior-flair. 
Next time, Mrs. Nobis,
Text me what you'll wear!

And when we go out shopping,
Or-ange-ing what to buy.
Let's pick out golfing outfits,
Unique to you and I!

Silver! Shmilver!

Trophy wives give great advice.
Though eloquent, is not so nice.

Superior in every way.
So confident in what they say.

Like, "You should play from the red tees!"
Your shots require remedies.

You drove the ball right in the trap.
Silver! Shmilver! You play like crap!

And we don't wish to follow you.
Nor the men in front of you!

For we are Trophy's! Hear us roar!
Remove your ass out the front door!

And take your clubs, your attitudes.
Take your egos! Take your dudes!

Go find some other place to play.
Not Mission Hills on Trophy day!

Carol and Vivian

A Suitcase Full of Sin!

Trophy wives love garlic fries;
Beer & wine & whisky.
Stories of Las Vegas acts,
Sexy, fun and frisky!

Garter belt; black fishnets;
Stilettos and a hat.
Imagine what your man would do
If you were wearing that!

So bye bye Brady-Bundchen.
You're too hot NOT to win.
I'm headed to Nevada
With a suitcase full of sin!

Jim and The Chief

Vegas Keeps Its Secrets

Trophy wives are curious;
They pointedly inquire,
About the Chief's liaisons, 
And how they did transpire.

Garter belts; stilettos;
Fishnets and a thong.
Regardless what your wearing,
They don't stay on for long!

'Zumanity' will tantalize
Your inner trophy sinner,
After savoring the flavor
Of an Emeril Orleans dinner!

Las Vegas keeps its secrets.
The Chief will keep hers too.
My sage advice, dear Trophy Wife
Is play some "Peek a Boo!"

Ardella and Laurie

Massaging Butt and Back

Trophy Wives have hectic lives,
With tournaments galore.
Challenging our privileged selves,
Unlike times before.

We leisurely slipped thru our round,
Enjoying chit and chat.
Golfing on a sun drenched day,
And that was really THAT!

Now when we head out to play,
We have no room for slack.
Instead we need a grinding fist,
Massaging butt and back!

It's time to let the pressure go,
To heal our bod and brain.
Letting go of all the junk
That makes us feel insane!

We're not in the Olympics.
We're not on any tour.
Let's reconnect to days gone by,
And play our Golf Du Jour!

Taking Home the Gold

Trophy Wives love targets,
But not the retail chain.
When Polly 'locked on' to a house
She hit it again
And again!

Then Val stood up to anchor
Her ball atop a tee,
And smacked it into Polly's,
That split into a 'V'

The two of them are talents.
Visions to behold.
If this were the Olympics,
They both would take home GOLD!

Poker Play Day

Trophy Wives played poker chips;
The good one's and the bad.
Sand & Water, 8's & Trees,
Made Trophy's very sad.

Good one's canceled bad one's.
Bad one's weren't so good.
If you could pass a bad one,
You definitely should!

We held them in our pockets,
Keenly kept aware.
The clanking we were hearing,
We wished were not in there.

We coveted the One Putt,
The Birdies and the Pars,
Held on tight with all our might, 
Grateful they were ours!

Handing over good one's, 
Did not happen fast.
The one to win the money,
Held the good one's last!

Val, Cheryle, Laurie, Sandy & Ardella


Trophy Wives turn sixty;
Are fabulously funny;
Live the most fantastic lives;
Play golf, drink booze, spend money!

Who would want to change a thing?
Our life is such a gift.
Perhaps in ten we'll feel inclined
To give our face a lift!

For now we'll just luxuriate
On sun-drenched desert days.
Raise our glass to friendship,
Embrace our Trophy ways.

We'll share our tales of travel.
Have months and months of fun.
Then reunite next season,
And toast to sixty-one!

Polly, Sandy, Susan
Vivian, Ardella, Laurie, Val, Tracey, Joanne

Polly and Susan

The Pose

Trophy Wives do dinners.
Have lots of things to say.
Health & beauty, travel, golf,
Are on our minds all day.

When posing for a picture,
Our boobs and arms collide.
It takes us several minutes,
Before we can decide

On who is in the front row?
Who is close behind?
The need to look our very best,
Is always on our mind.

Our kids have taught us one thing.
A bent arm makes you thinner.
Now hold that pose 'cause here it goes...
Say Cheese! We've got a WINNER!

Chief, Susan, Cheryle, Laurie, Carol, Gioconda, Polly, Vivian


Trophy Wives put emphasis
On vowels in certain words.
Pronunciation experts? 
Vocabulary nerds?
Either way, we find ourselves discussing 
Capillaries; pillories, Word impersonators?
Canadians have accents, 
Americans just don't.
It's good we understand ourselves,
'Cause most outsiders won't!

Gioconda, Carol, Vivian
Chief, Cheryle, Laurie, Susan, Polly